LEARN FROM THE MISSTEPS OF A GLOBETROTTER in the Australian desert and from his adventurous travels in Asia - through Sri Lanka, Thailand, India...

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Bernhard Christoph Lichtinger

Bernhard Christoph Lichtinger was born into a family of doctors in Stuttgart (southern Germany) on July 21, 1961, the fifth of six sons. The author, family man, craftsman, autodidact, inventor and entrepreneur attended one kindergarten, 10 schools, countless countries and 2 East German prisons. Released to Baden-Württemberg after 341 days of miserable food (on Friday, November 13, 1987), Christoph taught himself computer-aided drawing. He first freelanced for the IBM chip factory and then for the sports car fanatic architect Bernd Frank. After he managed to finance his parents' property, Christoph founded his own residential construction company in 1995, which was hit hard by the global financial crisis 13 years later (2008), whereupon he lost everything except the old villa that belonged to him and his second great love Dorothee. After his divorce, Christoph found his first great love Suzanne on the internet and flew to New Zealand to meet her in August 2015. And yes, it is true love! Six months later, Christoph has a little more time again and begins to write down his story ...

By 2024, his book is finally finished, but because Christoph was also abandoned by all evil spirits when he was released from prison and is therefore only afraid of overfilled letterboxes, a lot of things happened in the following thirty-six years that no longer fit into the book without blowing it apart. But Christoph, who is single again, already has an idea!


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True love knows no borders! A risky adventure around-the-world.

LEARN FROM THE MISSTEPS OF A GLOBETROTTER in the Australian desert and from his adventurous travels in Asia - through Sri Lanka, Thailand, India and Nepal. Get inspired on your personal journey by his dearly paid experiences. Believe in yourself, guard your thoughts, keep your sense of humour, find great love and never get down on your luck!


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Wahre Liebe kennt keine Grenzen! Ein waghalsiges Abenteuer rund um die Welt.

LERNE AUS DEN FEHLTRITTEN EINES GLOBETROTTERS in der australischen Wüste und von seinen abenteuerlichen Asienreisen - durch Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indien und Nepal. Lass dich auf deiner persönlichen Reise von seinen teuer bezahlten Erfahrungen inspirieren. Glaube an dich, behüte deine Gedanken, bewahre deinen Humor, finde die große Liebe und lass...

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True love knows no borders! A risky adventure around-the-world.

LLEARN FROM THE MISSTEPS OF A GLOBETROTTER in the Australian desert and from his adventurous travels in Asia - through Sri Lanka, Thailand, India and Nepal. Get inspired on your personal journey by his dearly paid experiences. Believe in yourself, guard your thoughts, keep your sense of humour, find great love and never get down on your luck!


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Wellcome back home :)

Arrival in Golden Bay :)

After the bridge next to the river. Long drop toilets and no shower, but with a beautiful Clutha River :)

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Hello you, this is Chris, the author :) Please leave your short message here, it will be forwarded directly to my mobile phone and I will get back to you, many thanks, Chris